
There are so many ways you can get involved at Richland Pregnancy Services! Whether you have time to volunteer every week or want to volunteer on a more casual basis, we always have needs throughout the year. We would love to have you partner with us in this life changing and life saving work!

Individual Volunteer Opportunities

Our weekly volunteer opportunities require 8-weeks of training to begin. New volunteer training is ongoing throughout the year on Fridays from 9:30 – 12:30. These include:

  • Registered Nurse – Our nurses provide medical grade pregnancy testing and limited OB ultrasound. Training is provided for both.
  • Client Advocate – Male & female client advocates are needed to meet with men and women who come in for their first appointment to discuss their intentions and options.
  • Mentor Mom & Mentor Dad – Experienced moms and dads meet with clients on a regular basis to support, encourage and educate.
  • Ultrasound Assistant -A non-medical volunteer opportunity, ultrasound assistants serve as a support to the client and nurse during the ultrasound.
  • Boutique Assistant – Assist clients while they are shopping with the Mom Money and Dad Dollars they earned through the RPS Mentoring programs.
  • Office Assistant – Assist with various tasks to assist RPS staff in the office.
  • Front Desk Receptionist – Serve as a backup to our front desk staff by answering phones, scheduling appointments and greeting guests.
  • Safety Team – Individuals will be trained in de-escalation tactics and keep an eye on cameras to provide a layer of safety for those at RPS.

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Richland Pregnancy Services welcomes groups for volunteer opportunities. Group volunteer opportunities can include:

  • Volunteer Work Group – A group of up to 10 can volunteer to assist with various tasks to support the ministry of Richland Pregnancy Services. This could include cleaning, pulling weeds, sorting donations or other tasks as needed by the ministry.

Additional Volunteer Opportunities

There are a few special opportunities through the year:

Mailing Volunteer – RPS sends out quarterly newsletters 4 times a year. There may be a few special mailings in addition to these. Mailing volunteers help to label, stamp, or prepare the mailings to go out. Sign up as a mailing volunteer to be notified of these volunteer opportunities.

Mail Transport Volunteer – Once the newsletter mailing is complete, assistance is needed to lift, load and transport the mailing to the Diamond Street Post Office. This can be done on your own schedule (time of day) following the bulk mailing preparation.

Event Volunteers – Represent RPS at a booth or table at community events throughout the year.

Snack Volunteers – Provide snacks for Parenting Classes, trainings or other events at RPS.

If you are interested in volunteering or want to find out more, please complete the form below and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with you shortly.

  • Phone Number
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Your Donations Save – 2023 Impact

Appointments Served
Pregnancy Tests
Mom-to-Mom Enrollment
Dad-to-Dad Enrollment
STD Testing
Parenting Class
Boutique Visits


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